Febuary 26, 2021
COVID-19 vaccine information for frontline workers
Federal vaccine supply is increasing. This means more Oregonians can begin getting vaccinated, including frontline workers. Frontline workers have been putting their lives on the line each day, exposed to this virus. Here is information on who will be eligible when, as well as where and how these workers will get vaccinated.
WHEN: March 29, 2021
WHO: Certain frontline workers
Frontline workers eligible no later than March 29 include:
- Food and agricultural workers. We estimate this is about 180,000 people total (or 30,000 per month). Workers in food and agriculture who will be eligible on this date include:
o Migrant and seasonal farm workers
o Seafood and agricultural workers
o Food processing workers
- Wildland firefighters
WHEN: No later than May 1, 2021
WHO: Other frontline workers
Oregon is using the CDC/CISA definition for the remainder of frontline workers with some Oregon-specific modifications.[1]
Frontline workers are adults 16-64 years not included in previous groups if they have a job that:
- They cannot perform from home or another setting* that limits the close or routine contact with others outside of their household; and
- Puts them at higher risk for contracting COVID-19 because of:
o Regular close contact with others outside of their household (less than six feet); AND
o Routine (more than 15 minutes per person(s) close contact with others outside of their household.
The state is using the CDC/CISA definition for the remainder of frontline workers with some Oregon-specific modifications. That includes just under a million 980,000 other frontline workers. The following frontline workers will become eligible no later than May 1 if they fit the definition of frontline worker above and work in:
- Ranching
- Greenhouses
- Beverage manufacturing
- Grocery store and retail workers, including food markets, pharmacies, convenience stores, retail clothing and specialty stores
- Education; including community colleges, colleges, universities, vocational rehabilitation, trade and professional schools
- S. Postal Service workers
- Public transit workers, including rural, interurban and urban bus and rail operators
- Manufacturing; including paper, petroleum, coal, asphalt, roofing, chemical, plastics, metal, industrial machinery, computers, electronics, transportation, medical equipment, repair and maintenance
- Transportation and logistics, including air, rail, water, truck, taxi, limousine, charter bus, other transit and ground passenger transportation, warehousing, storage and delivery services
- Food service, including restaurant, bar and kitchen staff
- Energy, including utilities, oil and gas extraction, mining, gas stations, fuel delivery, environmental consulting
- Water and wastewater, solid waste management and recycling, including utilities
- Housing, including construction, contractors, real estate and hotels, housing services such as affordable housing programs, motels and commercial accommodations
- Information technology and communications
- News media, including broadcasting and publishing
- Public health workers, including scientific and technical consulting, research and development
- Public safety, including civil engineers, human services and social services, such as child protective services
- Finance, including banks, accounting, tax preparation, payroll services
- Legal, including court staff, judges, attorneys
- Government, including employees and contractors, performing services or business for the public, and elected officials
Document accessibility: For individuals with disabilities or individuals who speak a language other than English, OHA can provide information in alternate formats such as translations, large print, or braille. Contact the Health Information Center at 1-971-673-2411, 711 TTY or [email protected]
[1] This is not an exhaustive list; see https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/categories-essential-workers.html for a full list.